Reforestation and climate change mitigation pdf

Climate change mitigation via afforestation, reforestation and deforestation avoidance. Global warming and climate change, causes, impacts and mitigation. Apr 25, 2017 both afforestation and reforestation involve growing trees to establish a forest cover on nonforested ground. Mitigation options by the forestry sector include extending carbon retention in harvested wood products, product substitution, and producing biomass for bioenergy. Climate change in turn is starting to affect forests and their ability to store carbon. In the context of climate change mitigation policies forests are approached as sinks and afforestation and reforestation are used as tools for sequestering carbon to reduce greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. Data on risk management and adaptation strategies were collected by a survey of 28 current forest projects targeting climate change mitigation. The restoration of forested land at a global scale could help capture atmospheric carbon and mitigate climate change. Reforestation has biophysical effects on climate, which, depending on their magnitude and direction, can contribute. Jun, 2008 sustainable involvement of tropical regions is essential to take up the full global potential for climate change mitigation through forestry.

Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation redd is a mechanism designed under the united nations framework convention on climate change unfccc to reduce greenhouse gas ghg emissions from forested lands and invest in lowcarbon paths to sustainable development, by offering incentives to tropical, forested countries to. Tr for mitigating climate change beyond its role in mitigating climate change through carbon storage, reforestation of tropical landscapes influences global and regional climates through a range of mechanisms table1. Deforestation and climate change congressional research service 1 lobal climate change is a widespread and growing concern that has led to extensive congressional and international discussions and negotiations. Pdf climate change mitigation through afforestation. Climate change mitigation through reforestation in godavari. May 31, 2010 reforestation may lower the climate change mitigation potential of forests date. Afforestation and reforestation for climate change. Tropical reforestation tr has been highlighted as an important intervention for climate change mitigation because of its carbon storage potential. Excluding existing trees and agricultural and urban areas, we found that there is room for an extra 0. While necessary for job creation and economic expansion, nonforestry related commercial development can conflict with the principles of sustainable forest management. Afforestation and reforestation for climate change mitigation. A systematic approach for the inclusion of climate change risk management and adaptation is developed and guidelines for the design of climatechangeproof afforestation, reforestation and deforestation avoidance projects are proposed.

This paper discusses the importance of institutional barriers in promoting reforestation as a means of mitigating global climate change. Disclaimer the views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily re. Aglobalanalysisofthe hydrologicdimensionsofclimate. Leed energy conservation renewable energy reforestation e. This carbon is removed from the atmosphere and is available to meet societys needs for timber, fibre, and energy. Reforestation is the natural or intentional restocking of existing forests and woodlands forestation that have been depleted, usually through deforestation. Ten of these represent the officially implemented afforestation a and reforestation r activities under the unfccc and the kyoto protocol. This publication provides examples of projects which have worked to empower women and protect forest resources. Can tree planting really help mitigate climate change. The purpose of this paper is to emphasise mangrove reforestation as a countermeasure for climate change mitigation and adaptation in the godavari delta in india. Forestry ipcc intergovernmental panel on climate change. Climate change mitigation through afforestationreforestation. Climate change mitigation are actions to limit the magnitude andor rate of longterm climate change.

There are very few multiple landuse studies that examine a wider set of forest functions and economic constraints brown et al. Climate change unfccc, the convention on climate change, with the kyoto protocol kp, the convention on biological diversity, the convention to combat desertification, and more. References and notes terrestrial land sink over the period 20002006 was 2. Climate change mitigation through reforestation in. Within the complexities of the services that forests provide for climate change mitigation, it is crucial to understand womens role in these processes. Climate change mitigation strategies have focused on reducing emissions of greenhouse gases ghgs, especially carbon dioxide co 2. Global land use change and its interaction with the climate system is recognised as an important component of the intergovernmental panel on.

Jul 05, 2019 still, supporting natural systems that can soak up carbon is widely accepted as a major component of any climate change mitigation strategy in addition to deploying clean energy, switching to. Apr, 2015 tropical reforestation tr has been highlighted as an important intervention for climate change mitigation because of its carbon storage potential. We mapped the global potential tree coverage to show that 4. The implicit hydrologic dimensions of international efforts to mitigate climate change, specifically potential impacts of the clean development mechanism.

By strengthening forest management practices, fao supports countries to achieve sustainable forest management, which is an effective framework for forestbased climate change mitigation and adaptation. The central role of forests in climate changethe central role of forests in climate change forests are vulnerable forests emit ghg s e c o n d m o s t i m p o r t a n t s o u r c e o f g hg e m m i s s i o n s i m p a c t s o n e c o s y s t e m s, p e o p l e a n d t h e w o o d c h a i n. When it comes to fighting global warming, trees have emerged as one of the most popular weapons. Because of ongoing deforestation, degradation and reforestation, estimates of forest cover are by no means static, nevertheless, it has been estimated that the amount of carbon currently stored in the earths forests contain exceeds the amount of. Climate change mitigation via afforestation, reforestation.

Second, forest area trends alone provide a poor measure of arr success and mitigation. Many factors play into the complex equation that determines the impact of greenhouse gas emissions on the concentration of these. The contribution of forests to climate change mitigation a synthesis of current research and understanding authors. Tr can also play other frequently overlooked, but significant, roles in helping society and ecosystems adapt to climate variability and change.

Mitigation adaptation sustainable transportation e. Jan 16, 2009 as a result, the adaptation of forest mitigation projects to climate change is found to be insufficient. Climate change mitigation generally involves reductions in human anthropogenic emissions of. Climate change toolbox forests, when sustainably managed, can have a central role in climate change mitigation and adaptation. Managing forests for climate change mitigation science. Geophysical research letters researchers examine whether reforestation can help mitigate climate. The restoration of trees remains among the most effective strategies for climate change mitigation. There is some evidence that climate change impacts can also constrain the forest potential. Should the role of afforestation in climate change mitigation. Reforestation and other natural climate solutions should be part of the diverse toolbox to reduce climate change and manage its risks. Draft recommendations for afforestation and reforestation. There are, however, several ways of promoting womens economic participation while also counteracting climate change.

Nov 24, 2014 global land use change and its interaction with the climate system is recognised as an important component of the intergovernmental panel on climate change ipccs future climate scenarios. Draft recommendations for afforestation and reforestation in. There are very few multiple landuse studies that examine a wider set of forest functions. Reforestation, afforestation, deforestation, climate. Climate change is affecting the worlds ecosystems and threatening the economic system, livelihoods and availability of natural resources. Forestbased approaches to climate change mitigation. The cdm allows for reforestation projects to earn carbon credits certified emission reductions cers for each tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent sequestered or absorbed by the forest. Their spatially explicit maps show how much additional tree cover could exist outside of existing forests. Reforestation can be used to rectify the effects of deforestation or improve the quality of human life by soaking up pollution and dust from the air, rebuilding natural habitats and ecosystems, mitigating global warming since forests.

By signing the united nations framework convention on climate change. Excluding energyintensive industries from ghg emission abatement rules is not economically efficient because it substantially increases. As a result, the adaptation of forest mitigation projects to climate change is found to be insufficient. The afforestation, reforestation and forest restoration arr programs undertaken by china, india, and south korea the subjects of this study achieved more than 12 gtco 2 of carbon removals over the past two decades. But statements and media coverage like this feed the false belief that we could stop climate change through natural to boot if there were only sufficient public awareness and political will. Human activity has significantly altered the global carbon cycle as land use change and fossil fuel burning have increased levels of co 2 in the atmosphere, causing changes in our climate at an alarming and accelerating rate ipcc, 1996, ipcc, 2001. On the downside, largescale afforestation might lead to a considerable increase in food prices through increasing competition for land between forest and agricultural production. According to nasa and ipcc, global temperature has increased by 1. First, there is a consistent and large difference between reported afforestation and reforestation areas and observed changes in forest cover, with 2.

According to the intergovernmental panel for climate change ipcc, reforestation is the establishment of forest cover in a place, where the forests have been cleared away in the recent past to make way for some other land use such as. A spatial analysis of global land suitability for clean development mechanism afforestation and reforestation author links open overlay panel robert j. A background study for joint implementation in china and indonesia 7 considered critical in evaluating the potential of reforestation as a mitigation measure for climate change. It is argued that costeffective implementation of reforestation depends on proper institutional settings in host countries. Reforestation may lower the climate change mitigation potential of forests date. One approach in the field of climate mitigation is the promotion of renewable energies that help avoid greenhouse gas emissions. Forest ecosystems can be carbon sources or sinks and are therefore integrated in international climate policy. Nov 06, 2009 the purpose of this paper is to emphasise mangrove reforestation as a countermeasure for climate change mitigation and adaptation in the godavari delta in india.

Should the role of afforestation in climate change. Reforestation may lower the climate change mitigation. Sustainable involvement of tropical regions is essential to take up the full global potential for climate change mitigation through forestry. In chapter 5, china and indonesia are presented as illustrative case studies. With such a huge potential, afforestation could play a considerable part in climate change mitigation efforts. A background study for joint implementation in china and indonesia 4 abstract this paper discusses the importance of institutional barriers in promoting reforestation as a means of mitigating global climate change.